Marsh Samphire and what to do with it

by Sherbhert Editor

In season from around the middle of May until the end of July or possibly the middle of August. Marsh samphire is available from some fishmongers and from Forager (see…) but if you are lucky enough to spend time on the North Norfolk coast you will find it in glorious abundance.

The small shoots that appear in May are very tender but as the season continues, whilst the upper tips remain tender, the lower part of the stems become woody, but they can still be used if you don’t mind dragging off the flesh with your teeth.

Wash it thoroughly in cold water–it is typically very sandy.

Boil or steam it in unsalted water– for 30 seconds if you like it crunchy or 2 minutes if you like it tender. Don’t add salt as it is naturally salty.

Serve it simply with good butter or with new potatoes or fish or fish and potatoes – sea trout or flaked smoked trout would both be very good.

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