Seasoning – Salt Flakes

by Sherbhert Editor
seasoning flavoured salts

Sherbhert recipes typically call for few but good quality ingredients which are cooked simply. Perhaps surprisingly, these quality ingredients are not necessarily the most expensive. 

With this simple way of cooking, emphasis is on how to make the foods sing out and so seasoning is key. In particular, a little salt is often important.

Just a pinch of salt flakes can make your food uniquely special to you and your style. So, it’s important to taste and check seasoning when you cook, but especially just before eating. 

The flavoured salts given below can add a special dimension to simple foods such as roast chicken, baked or grilled fish or simply cooked vegetables. Both salts will likely keep for ages.

Salt Flakes with Thyme and Lemon

Put 3 or 4 small sprigs of thyme and a strip of lemon rind (about 6cm) in a clean, small jar (with a lid). Add salt flakes to the jar but leave about 2cm of room at the top. Put the lid on the jar and shake it to mix the ingredients together. 

Salt Flakes with Rosemary and Orange

Put 3 or 4 small sprigs of rosemary and a strip of orange rind (about 6cm) in a clean, small jar (with a lid). Add salt flakes to the jar but leave about 2cm of room at the top. Put the lid on the jar and shake it to mix the ingredients together. 

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